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New Ashgate Gallery

BAMS Exhibition Private Viewing Night:

Judge Christopher Hollis
Jana Griffiths_work
Artist Jana Griffiths

This is the British Art Medal Society Medal project exhibited at New Ashgate Gallery in Farnham  between 12th March to 23rd April 2022. Here are just a few exclusive images from the private viewing where I photographed the medals, artists, judges and gallery space for documentation and the gallery's social media. 

Glass Society Exhibition Private Viewing Night:

Jianyong Guo
Alice Sheridan
Morag Reekie
Julie Light

This is the Glass society exhibition shown at the New Ashgate Gallery between 30th April - 11th June 2022. Here are just a few exclusive images from the private viewing where I photographed the glasswork, artists, judges and gallery space for documentation and the gallery's social media. 

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